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Bringing back beauty in architecture

March 2024

This website is dedicated to the revival of traditional architecture. More and more people are longing for beautiful buildings in cities, since decades of modernism and post-modernism left us with concrete buildings lacking any ornamentation and radiating coldness. The designs of most new buildings from the 20th century (and also the beginning of the 21th century) seem to focus merely on functionality, cheapness, or even to shock the spectator. Whether it would make people happy did not matter anymore. Hence city centers were becoming depressing, leaving people with a feeling of alienation. Many think that this should change. Now.

Why did we abandon the concept of beauty? Personally I suspected the upcoming socialism as one of the main causes. But I can be wrong. Fact is that anything reminding of the old social layers in society with different classes was to be abolished and architecture whith rich ornamention referring to that 'old world' was to be avoided. Some really beautiful architecture of the last decades in 19th century was even demolished because people thought it had no worth anymore. The devastating World War I can also have had a huge impact. After this episode of great destruction the impetus and motivation to make beautiful things was simply decimated. A new better world trying to forget the disasters of the past would be represented from now on by buildings that showed 'honest simplicity'. Maybe understandable, but all ornamentation went down the drain, and only functionality became the main asset for new buildings.

Decay of joy

With the thourough simplification of buildings something was put away that at first nobody was aware of. Lately however people are realising what happines and joy the sight of beautiful architecture can bring. Of course there were museums where you could admire beautiful objects. But to wander through a world with elegant architecture is something totally different. A pleasant surrounding where you at feel home, at ease and happy. Of course there are old city centers that have retained much of their historic buildings, but so much have vanished over de years. It must return.


This site shows designs of houses in the past (mostly 19th century) to form an inspiration for present architects. Some of the designs were realised, some demolished. Some were never built at all. They should have a new chance.

The site will be updated regurlarly with new added designs.

This website was last updated on April 18th 2024 - © Pagemark
